
Food Pantry of Jeff Davis County

609 Compromise Street, Jeff Davis County, Fort Davis 79734, Texas, Jeff Davis County

Agency Details

​Since 1998, the Food Pantry of Jeff Davis County has been offering supplemental food to 10-20% of the families in the county. 
Our mission is to alleviate hunger and promote healthy eating for residents in need. 
No one in Jeff Davis County should go hungry. If you are experiencing a food crisis contact us and we will help. 


Bimonthly Food Distribution

Fort Davis
2nd & 4th Saturdays, Jan - Oct
1st & 3rd Saturdays, Nov - Dec
609 Compromise Street
Drive-thru Fridays:
(the day before Ft Davis Saturday distribution)
​11 am-1 pm
Shop-the-Shelves Saturday: 
9-11 am

Davis Mountains Resort (DMR)
(the day before Ft Davis Saturday distribution)
2:30-4 pm at DMR Fire house

(two days before Ft Davis Saturday distribution)
3-5 pm at Valentine City Hall


Kids Pantry at the JDC Library

9-5 Mon-Fri, 10-2 Sat
Lunch foods, afterschool snacks & kid-friendly foods. Available to all kids under 18 in Jeff Davis County & all FDISD/VISD students. No application, no requirements, no info collected, confidential.


Senior Box for Age 60+

Prepacked boxes to provide supplemental nutrition for county residents age 60 and over. 


Map Location

company map
609 Compromise Street, Jeff Davis County, Fort Davis 79734, Texas, Jeff Davis County

Social Networks

Opening hours
GMT -5:00
07:00 AM - 08:00 PM
07:00 AM - 08:00 PM
07:00 AM - 08:00 PM
07:00 AM - 08:00 PM
07:00 AM - 08:00 PM
07:00 AM - 08:00 PM
08:00 AM - 07:00 PM

WTX Nonprofit Partners


West Texas Nonprofits is a project of MSS designed to connect individuals with nonprofits through outreach efforts including a robust, vibrant online directory of nonprofits operating or serving in West Texas, for community members to access information about missions, services, volunteer opportunities, and events. Nonprofits included serve in at least one of the following West Texas counties: Andrews, Borden, Brewster, Crane, Jeff Davis, Dawson, Ector, Gaines, Glasscock, Howard, Loving, Martin, Midland, Pecos, Presidio, Reeves, Terrell, Upton, Ward, and Winkler.