
Midland Quilters Guild

Midland County, Midland, Texas, Midland County

Agency Details

Midland Quilters Guild supports the appreciation, art and craft of quilting through display, donation, education and fellowship.
The Guild holds monthly meetings on the second Tuesday of the month at Alamo Heights Baptist Church at 7:00pm. We have an open membership with annual dues of $20. We have a very active community service aspect of our program consisting of the piecing, quilting and distribution of donation quilts to various organizations including: Habitat for Humanity, Hospice, Hope House, Allison Cancer. Center, Rape Crisis, Child Advocacy, Senior Living, Safe Place and Quilts of Valor. We get together at the Thompson House, 3100 W. Louisiana, every Tuesday from 9-3 for a sewing bee. Anyone joining us can work on donation quilts or a project of their own.


Map Location

company map
Midland County, Midland, Texas, Midland County

WTX Nonprofit Partners


West Texas Nonprofits is a project of MSS designed to connect individuals with nonprofits through outreach efforts including a robust, vibrant online directory of nonprofits operating or serving in West Texas, for community members to access information about missions, services, volunteer opportunities, and events. Nonprofits included serve in at least one of the following West Texas counties: Andrews, Borden, Brewster, Crane, Jeff Davis, Dawson, Ector, Gaines, Glasscock, Howard, Loving, Martin, Midland, Pecos, Presidio, Reeves, Terrell, Upton, Ward, and Winkler.