
REACH Network

2500 Haynes Avenue, Midland County, Midland 79705, Texas, Midland County

Agency Details

The REACH Network will provide a PK-8 continuum such that students receive tier one instruction at a higher level so that prerequisite gaps do not stack up year after year. Through regular formative assessment of identified essential skills, students will immediately be placed in a fluid system of Tier II intervention as needed to address deficiencies as they arise. Students who still have multi-year gaps will be placed in an intensive Tier III intervention program until those gaps are filled. For students who are exceeding expectations, this time is used for extension and enrichment. This multi-level system happens during the school day outside the regular class periods. Through collaboration between both campuses in the REACH Network on instruction, professional development, and curriculum, students will start and exit the network even more ready for the various high school options Midland ISD has to offer.

The REACH Network’s Family Time program is also a unique part of our work. Every adult has a group of 13-15 students known as their family group. Family groups meet weekly and that adult serves as a mentor and advocate for their members of their family group. Adults reviewgrades, keep students informed about campus information, and make sure they understand where they will report for intervention/enrichment during that week. School wide lessons over growth mindset, character education, and other topics are also executed during Family Time. The family time leader serves as “one more person” each student has should they need anything socially, emotionally, or academically.

We will better prepare students for high school by having them follow a consistent track of expectations in regards to instruction, intervention, and enrichment for the entire PK - 8 experience. This combined with an emphasis on building positive relationships between the school staff and students has already proven effective on one of the two schools in the network.


Map Location

company map
2500 Haynes Avenue, Midland County, Midland 79705, Texas, Midland County

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WTX Nonprofit Partners


West Texas Nonprofits is a project of MSS designed to connect individuals with nonprofits through outreach efforts including a robust, vibrant online directory of nonprofits operating or serving in West Texas, for community members to access information about missions, services, volunteer opportunities, and events. Nonprofits included serve in at least one of the following West Texas counties: Andrews, Borden, Brewster, Crane, Jeff Davis, Dawson, Ector, Gaines, Glasscock, Howard, Loving, Martin, Midland, Pecos, Presidio, Reeves, Terrell, Upton, Ward, and Winkler.